Sooo I know it's technically supposed to be ten days in a row, but I took the weekend off to spend some times with my family, get caught up on my homework, and clean up the house... Pretty happy it's Labor day and we all get an extra day to enjoy our loved ones. This morning the mister and I did some extra deep cleaning and organizing and he even steam cleaned our whole upstairs and the den here downstairs... it was awesome...
Last night I posted about a giveaway I have going on here for your very own copy of the book Faith Deployed... Again by Jocelyn Green. You have until Sept 10 so don't forget to get in on the giveaway.
My 9 loves in no particular order
#1 -- My handsome studman sailor husband. He is truly my bestfriend, soul mate, and other half. We complement each other perfectly. He knows how to make me laugh when I am sweating the small stuff and I know how to make him smile when he gets too serious. I love spending time with him even if we are just in the same room on our computers. He never lets me go to bed alone when he is home and not away and that is one thing I will always cherish about him. He is the best daddy and I adore watching him and our baby play.
#2 -- My precious special full of life little girl -- Kaylee. She is truly my sunshine and my pride and joy. She is the reason that I work so hard and have such high hopes and goals. My desire is to give her a life I didn't always have. She is constantly making me laugh and keeps a smile on my face. I have adored watching her grow up and learn. She is becoming her own little person and that is so exciting to watch. I love when she dances, sings, laughs, plays, colors, and builds legos. She is already so fun and I can't wait to continue to watch her grow
#3 -- My God. My life was lost and empty before I turned my life over to Christ. He is my strength and comfort through the tough times. He constantly has His hand is my life and walks with me through all things. I am not deserving of His love but so incredibly thankful to have it. I love to just sit and stare at the beauty of his creativity in nature. He is my savior and I am living my life for Him.
#4 I love my family. All parts near and far. My extended family my cousins and my family friends. Whether they are blood or God blessed me with them I am so thankful to have all of them in my life.
#5 I love exploring the different amazing things of our world. I love going to see new things and learn new things. I have a new found love for exploring our new home. I love going into DC and seeing all the cool things, I loved driving to VA and exploring, and I love that there are so many things I've never seen or done here.
#6 I love my bed. I love that after a long day of craziness I can sink into my big comfy bed with all my blankets and pillows and I just sleep... and it's good solid sleep usually which is hard for me! It makes my long days that much easier!
#7 I love the fall! I know I am crazy but I am not a huge fan of the summer!!! It's so HOT and I don't do hot well. I love the fall, the cool breeze, the falling leaves, the hot cocoa and soup weather, apple picking, fall baking... ALL OF IT! Love it love it!
#8 I love pictures. I don't have a crazy good camera for photography just an awesome point and shoot thats safe in the water, but I love pictures. I love capturing memories of all my family and friends and just the beauty God's creation.
#9 I love baking. I seriously adore baking any and all things. But sadly with trying to loose weight I haven't gotten to do this in a while. I like cooking a lot too but when things don't come out I get kind of discouraged.. Luckily my husband is awesome and loving and totally will try anything I cook.
A bed is such a good one! There is nothing like curling up in your own bed after a long day. Ah, heaven.